Topi Artukka profile picture
History and Archaelogy
Postdoctoral Researcher, History and Archaelogy
FT, tutkijatohtori
Department of Finnish History


Arcanuminkuja 1

Areas of expertise

High societies and sociability
finnish history
urban history
early nineteenth-century
history of students
diaries and journals


I defended my doctoral thesis Tanssiva kaupunki. Turun seurapiirit sosiaalisena näyttämönä 1810-luvulla (Dancing town. The Turku high society as a social scene in 1810s’ in English) in spring 2021. Thesis was published by The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters and the e-version can be found at the following link:

At the moment, I'm working in project called Becoming a reading nation? Children’s books and educational literature in Finland, 1790-1850, where I study the history of social manners and conduct books, and how these text built the bourgeoise identity in early 19th century Finland.

I’m also part of the Opera in the periphery? Åbo and Paris as musical and theatrical capitals, 1790–1840 project led by prof. Charlotta Wolff. In this project In the project I explore the connection between sociability and theatre and examine the early theatre institution that emerged in Åbo, its spatial dimensions and how it was experienced from the perspective of the cosmopolitan social life of the bourgeoisie.


In my doctoral thesis, I study the lives of the high society in Turku, Finland in the early 19th century. I examine how high society was structured, organised, and operated. I’m especially interested in the social lives of the elites and in the different customs and habits of that group. Furthermore, I examine the role of the high society in Turku and discuss the significance of gender, since it is widely known that women’s roles in the function of high society was seminal. I also focus on questions of transnationality: how different European cultural phenomena spread to Finland and how citizens of Turku settled themselves between old Swedish relations and the new Russian regime.


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Vapaa-aika (2024)

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Porthanin muisto elää Turussa (2024)

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Turkulaiset (2024)

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