Doctoral Programme in History, Culture and Arts Studies (Juno)

Juno is interdisciplinary doctorial programme that combines historical approach, cultural analysis and critical art studies. It educates specialists in cultural change bringing together 16 fields of research.

 Juno offers qualified international doctoral training providing the candidates an ability to work both independently and in team, to produce new critical knowledge and communicate its results effectively to various audiences.

Juno graduates can build their careers as researchers and educators, specialists in cultural management, in memory organisations like museums and archives or work among scholarly publishing and editing field.

 Doctoral researchers in Juno have a major subject, a field of research that comes closest to their PhD project.

Juno is a Doctoral Programme in the Faculty of Humanities, and it is a part of The University of Turku Graduate School – UTUGS, established on August 2011. For its part, Juno ensures that the School of History, Culture and Arts Studies provides systematic and high quality doctoral training.

Juno's aims

Doctoral Programme in History, Culture and Arts studies (Juno)

  • organizes education, supervision and guiding for all doctoral researchers
  • support the disseration process of its doctoral cesearchers
  •  engage doctoral researchers with the research community and encourage them to build research networks of their own. 
  • support the deepening of doctoral researcher's special knowledge and skills and the progress of their expertise
Juno offers

Juno offers also

  • salaried doctoral researcher positions
  • travel grants
  • grants for finalizing a doctoral dissertation
  • grants for the new doctoral researchers
Operational frame

Juno is one of the 16 doctoral programmes that belong to the University of Turku Graduate School (UTUGS). The doctoral programme gets funding from the budget of the university via UTUGS. The UTUGS’ pay subsidy is meant for the hiring of full-time salaried doctoral researchers and the operational allowance is used to organize courses and activities for doctoral candidates and allowing travel and finalizing grants. The School of History, Culture and Arts Studies gives financial support to Juno, too. 

The positions of salaried doctoral researchers are open every fall and 6-7% of the applicants are successful. The rector of the university decides every year the amount of salaried positions in each doctoral programme after which the board of Juno decides the number and length of positions that can be opened for the application. According to the guidelines of UTUGS, the doctoral programme prefers long term contracts (max. 4 years).

All applications for salaried positions are evaluated first by two members of Juno’s board. Board members never evaluate the applicants of their own subject nor participate in the discussion concerning their applications. After this, approximately third of the applications are sent for the external evaluation. When, the doctoral programme has received the evaluations of experts who work outside the University of Turku the coordinator compiles a shortlist according to the evaluations of both board members and external experts. Those members of the Juno’s board who do not have applicants from their own subject major on the shortlist will read the applications and evaluations of the shortlisted again and make the final decision. 

Juno Majors
  • Cultural History
  • Finnish History
  • European and World History  
  • Archaeology
  • Study of Religion
  • Folkloristics
  • European Ethnology
  • Art History
  • Comparative Literature
  • Finnish Literature
  • Gender Studies
  • Media Studies
  • Musicology 
  • Digital Culture
  • Cultural Heritage
  • Landscape Studies     
Juno's board

Juno's board members are: Professor Markku Lehtimäki (director of Juno), Professor Tutta Palin, Professor Anu Koivunen, Professor Leila Koivunen, University lecturer Janne Harjula, University teacher Kaarina Koski, University lecturer Riina Haanpää, Collegium fellow Asko Nivala, Doctoral Researcher Johanna Latva, Doctoral Researcher Aura Nikkilä and as a secretary, coordinator Meri Heinonen.

Salaried positions - fall 2024

Juno had positions for salaried doctoral researchers open for the maximum period of four years: 1.1.2025-31.12.2028. We received 76 applications and the steering committee decided to choose following applicants:

  • Aura Colliander 1.3.-31.7.2025
  • Anne-Mari Liira 1.1.2025-31.12.2027
  • Sanni Lindroos 1.1.2025-31.12.2028*
  • Neylan Ogutveren 1.1.2025-31.12.2028*

On waiting list:

  1. Hebe Ronkainen*
  2. Ossi Korpi
  3. Jussi Moisio

*On condition they accept the study right (beginning 1 January 2025) they have been granted in the Doctoral Programme Juno.


Sitaatti PhD MATTI Laitinen
As a PhD student I get to work daily with subjects I feel truly passionate about. For this I have great support from my supervisors, other researchers and other PhD students alike.
Mikko Myllyntausta, Phd candidate in the Doctoral programme of History, Culture and Arts Studies, Juno