Keyword: Lecture

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Opetusnäyteluento MD PhD Matthijs Feuth


21.11.2024 at 14.30 - 14.50
MD PhD Matthijs Feuthin keuhkosairauksien ja allergologian opetusnäyte MD PhD Matthijs Feuth antaa julkisen opetusnäytteen Turun yliopiston keuhkosairausopin ja allergologian dosentin arvoa varten torstaina 21. marraskuuta 2024 klo 14.30 Tyksin T-sairaalan Johan Haartman -salissa. Opetusnäytteen...

Horizon Europe Health Call networking event


28.11.2024 at 12.00 - 17.00
Join us on November 28, for a dynamic event dedicated to networking, collaboration, and project development around the Horizon Europe Health calls! This event brings together researchers from diverse disciplines and provides a platform for companies and other stakeholders interested in health...

How to succeed in a job interview


3.6.2025 at 14.00 - 15.00
When you receive an invitation to a job interview you have already been chosen as one of the top applicants. How can you improve your performance at interviews in order to land the job? In the info session we go over what you can do before, during and after the interview to show your motivation to...