Keyword: opettajankoulutus ja kehitystehtävät (Turun normaalikoulu)

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University of Turku and Polar Partners Ltd. Boost the Export of Finnish Educational Expertise with New Online Courses


The University of Turku and Polar Partners Ltd. collaborate to develop online courses which encapsulate the Finnish educational expertise in an easily adoptable manner. The courses of the Top Teacher programme are aimed at teachers and education specialist around the world who wish to deepen their existing professional skills with the Finnish education model and know-how.

University of Turku Participates in Developing Principal Training in Chile


Within the framework of the University’s global education services, the University has made a significant, multi-year partnership agreement with the Chilean Plus Finland education sector company. Teachers from the Teacher Training School of the University of Turku planned and will be organising a training programme for the Plus Finland’s selected trainers, after which these trainers who have received training in accordance with the programme will put it into practice in the local schools to train the Chilean principals.