Kuvassa henkilö ja fotobioreaktori, eli laitteisto, jossa kasvatetaan syanobakteereita tutkimustarkoitukseen. Kuva kohdistuu laakeaan lasiseen pulloon, jonka sisältämä neste on tumman vihreää.

Donate to the University of Turku

With a donation to the University of Turku, you support directly the development of our research and education and the University's work for sustainable future. Donations can also be added to the University's basic capital.

Why donate to the University of Turku?

  • We produce new knowledge and know-how, we act as maintainers of culture in society and advocates of free and open science.
  • We conduct research that the world needs and we look for innovative solutions that we bring into people's everyday lives. We respond to global challenges with multidisciplinary, high-level, responsible and impactful research.
  • We educate experts for the many needs of society. The University of Turku graduates are broadly oriented problem solvers and responsible specialists for various planning, management and development tasks as well as demanding research, development and innovation work.

Information for donors

How to donate

The donation can be made online as a one-time donation and paid via e-banking, with MobilePay or as a Siirto -payment. You will receive an electronic receipt for the donation after the payment transaction. The online donation can be directed generally to the University of Turku or specifically to the faculties.

Larger donations (over €10,000) and their allocations to more precisely defined targets in the faculty or field of education are discussed with the donor personally. Contact the donor engagement specialists and we will tell you more.

Tax Deduction of Donations

Donations of 850€ and more per year to University of Turku are tax-deductible in Finland. The donation can be given in several installments during the calendar year.

For communities and corporations the maximum deductible amount is 250,000€. For private individuals and estates the maximum deductible amount is 500,000€.

Please note that you need to claim the deduction from the tax authorities. Read more on the Finnish Tax Administration's page.

Fundraising permit

The University of Turku has a fundraising permit RA/2020/799, permitted by the National Police Board on June 30, 2020. The permit is valid from January 1, 2020. The permit covers all of Finland, except for the Åland Islands.

The donated funds will be used to support the tasks given in §2 in the Universities Act (558/2009). The gifts are gratuitous and cannot contain any conditions.

Thank you Donors!

Donations are an important part of the history of the University of Turku. The Finnish University of Turku - the world's first Finnish-language university - was founded in 1920 with the support of a large public fundraising campaign, where a total of 22,040 donors supported the establishment of the new university. The motto of the University of Turku, from a free people to free science, stems from this founding campaign and the educational will of a country that recently had become independent.

The support of the surrounding community and donors has therefore been important to the University of Turku throughout its existence. In addition to the actual donation funds, emotional support is also important, i.e. the belief in the work done by our university.

We thank all our donors for their commitment to the development of research and education at the University of Turku and for their support for building a sustainable future, high-level university education and free science!

Make a good decision.
Support science, support future.

Read about the current research at the University of Turku