Department of Digital Culture

The Department of Digital Culture studies the digitalisation of culture and society, as well as new phenomena in digital communication, art, and entertainment. The research is focused on the ways in which people use, understand, and give meaning to digital technology. Popular research topics include, for example, social media, online cultures, digital games, and everyday uses of technology.

There are three focal points in our research and education:

  • Cultural change of technology
  • Game cultures
  • Online communities and social media.

The Department of Digital Culture is rooted in the humanities and utilises methods used especially in historical and cultural studies. Our studies provide an understanding of the modern culture in the process of digitalisation, as well as practical skills and knowledge required to work in digital environments. Our Master’s level graduates are employed, for example, as researchers, experts, publicists, educators, and journalists. The Department was founded in 2001 and has since been functioning as a part of the Degree Programme in Cultural Production and Landscape Studies at the University Consortium of Pori.