opiskelijoita Feeniks kirjastossa (14)

Studying at the Department of Scandinavian Languages

In Scandinavian Languages particular emphasis is given to contemporary Swedish. The aim of the studies is to provide students with versatile skills and abilities for their career as Swedish language experts. An additional aim is to provide a good knowledge of the other Scandinavian languages. The teachers of Scandinavian Languages are active researchers in their own fields, and teaching is thus based on topical research and stresses a research angle

An excellent command of both written and spoken language is essential for a Swedish language expert and the department of Scandinavian Languages invests in the development of these skills especially in the beginning of the studies. Language skills can also be improved by completing language internships in other Nordic countries. At the same time, new points of view in language, culture and society are being opened. Deepening of the language skills provides the students with practical tools that they need in future when absorbing more theoretical knowledge.

Face to face communication is central to the studies at the department of Scandinavian Languages, and teaching groups are often small so that the students and teachers get to know each other. The amount of independent work increases when advancing from the more practice-oriented basic studies to the more theory-oriented courses.

Alongside language skills, an essential part of the studies is philology, i.e. knowledge about and understanding of a language as a system, its variation, special language phenomena such as second language learning, language of the internet, and features of spoken language. It is also important to remember the history of Scandinavian languages, from which many features of contemporary language derive their origins. When students’ interests become clear they can choose courses that focus on different areas in the field of Nordistics.

As the students gain knowledge and continue to grow as experts of Scandinavian languages, a central part of their studies is to conduct research projects themselves. The students choose either the Degree Programme in Language Learning and Teaching or the Language Specialist Degree Programme. Upon graduation the students have multidisciplinary practical and cognitive skills in all Scandinavian languages, and they can independently apply what they have learned and utilise it in the fluctuating labour market.