Nordic-Baltic Korean Studies Days 2024


Greetings from Copenhagen!
Ten enthusiastic EAST students joined the Nordic-Baltic Korean Studies Days 2024 hosted by the University of Copenhagen. The week-long intensive course included workshops on a multitude of topics such as protesting, shamanism, and human rights.
In addition to the lectures and workshops, students had the chance to participate in a training course of their choice. The three training sessions had the students plan a museum exhibition about the Silla period, make an interactive game, or discuss the Korean diaspora in Korean.
Of course, the program also gave our students the chance to meet and build relationships with other like-minded academics in the field of Korean studies!

NBKSD 2024 brought together students and teachers from
-         Københavns Universitet - University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
-         University of Helsinki (Finland)
-         Turun yliopisto - University of Turku (Finland)
-         Universitetet i Oslo (UiO) | University of Oslo (Norway)
-         Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) (Norway)
-         Stockholms universitet (Sweden)
-         University of Latvia (Latvijas Universitāte) (Latvia)
-         Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)
We want to thank the University of Copenhagen for hosting us and all participants for making this a one-of-a-kind experience for the students. We are delighted to continue this cooperation with our Nordic and Baltic peers and cannot wait to see what Nordic-Baltic Korean Studies Days in 2025 have to offer!


The Nordic-Baltic Korean Studies Days 2024 were generously supported by Nordplus.


Created 12.03.2024 | Updated 14.03.2024