Bastu - Business Development

Bastu is a business enabler for entrepreneurs and businesses in the Turku region. Our goal is to enhance your business with new, collaborative opportunities that utilise the philosophical tenets of the sixth wave along with the core competences of our participating companies. We are always looking for new and energetic business professionals to join us. The programme is not leaning towards research or education: it's all about testing and doing. The cost is the time you choose to use and the opportunity costs are the brilliant ideas you miss if you don't participate

Bastu is conducted in collaboration with Sitra – The Finnish Innovation Fund and the City of Turku. Our activities are guided by the expertise of Professor Markku Wilenius, one of Finland’s most eminent foresight and futures researchers in both academia and business.

In a nutshell:

  • What? Business development programme Bastu
  • Benefit? Ideas to grow and develop businesses
  • What is required? Active participation
  • Price? The time you spend