Finland Futures Academy (FFA)
Finland Futures Academy is a network of 9 Finnish universities. It was established in 1998 to promote and coordinate academic futures education in Finland. The network is co-ordinated by the Finland Futures Research Centre at the University of Turku.
Futures studies courses are available for undergraduate and postgraduate students at Finnish member universities of FFA, including exchange students. The courses can be taken as individual study modules or as a tailored study programme of 25 ECTS credits and include it in a Master’s degree or doctorate studies. Courses are based on a blended learning model consisting of learning methods such as collaborative and independent studying, distance education with virtual learning tools and traditional lecturing.
Finland Futures Academy organises an annual international conference together with the FFRC. The conference is accompanied with a summer school following the current topic of the conference and the students participate in the conference presentations and workshops. The summer school is open for all graduate and postgraduate students whose interest lie in futures studies.