A new book on socio-cultural integration by the EmoMA team has been released


​The book entitled "Socio-Cultural Integration in Mergers and Acquisitions - The Nordic Approach"  published by Palgrave MacMillan has been released. The authors build on the human-centric and typically Nordic approach to mergers and acquisitions by presenting rich empirical cases of cross-border acquisitions conducted by leading Nordic multinationals. The book is an outcome of the TEKES-funded EmoMA-project carried out at Turku School of Economics 1.1.2015-31.3.2017.

Editors of the book: Johanna Raitis, Riikka Harikkala-Laihinen, Melanie Hassett and Niina Nummela.

A link to the publisher's webpages:   https://www.palgrave.com/jp/book/9783319743400

Created 14.05.2018 | Updated 15.05.2018