Archives of Sexuality & Gender - Database on Sexuality and Gender Research


Database Archives of Sexuality & Gender (Part 1) LGBTQ History and Culture Since 1940 contains materials collected from archives of sexuality and gender research.

The work contains information from international activist organizations and local grassroots groups - precisely from those actors who have been closely associated with LGBTQ groups and culture since the 1940s.

The Archives of Sexuality & Gender -database contains extensive information on both the LGBTQ community as a whole and in more detail. The database dives into information related to age groups, religion, political trends, ethnic groups and geographical locations, including Finland.

The database also includes interviews and correspondence with LGBTQ individuals. The archive contains reports from more than 35 countries, gay and lesbian newspapers, policy statements and other documents related to rights and health, including the global impact of AIDS.

Archives of Sexuality & Gender Database in Volter-database.

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Created 16.11.2020 | Updated 16.11.2020