Best Paper Award to Boglarka Brezovszky


ECGBL Conference presented the award for the Best PhD Paper and Presentation to Boglarka Brezovszky, a doctoral student at the Faculty of Education.

Boglarka Brezovszky

​The paper is based on the work of a multidisciplinary research group, led by Academy Professor Erno Lehtinen. Boglarka Brezovszky and other researchers are aiming to create a new computer game, which would help children to improve their problem solving skills in mathematics.

The title of the award-winning paper is Training Flexible and Adaptive Arithmetic Problem Solving Skills through Exploration with numbers: the Development of NumberNavigation Game. The co-authors are Erno Lehtinen, Jake McMullen, Gabriela Rodriguez and Koen Veermans.

The 7th European Conference on Games Based Learning provided a forum to exchange ideas and best practices among researchers and practitioners in the field of Game-Based Learning.

Created 18.10.2013 | Updated 18.12.2013