Lecturer – remember to leave requests for new course books by 13th May


Suitable new literature for course requirements is thought about at present in different subjects. Please inform the library about the new literature, so that we can acquire it as soon as possible. Let us also know the books that will be excluded from the requirements. Please tell us the changes by 13th May.

​The form for course book acquisition requests

Please remember also

  • Books included in requirements but found outside the Study Guide (books on separate lists, notice boards, in the midst of web-pages etc., or titles to be read as alternative readings).
  • Tell the library the books that will no longer be included in requirements.

Electronic course books

According to LibQUAL customer satisfaction inquiry demand for electronic course books is growing. In addition to printed copy, the library acquires electronic course book always when possible.
Further information on e-books can be found at the guide E-books - a guide for teachers https://utuguides.fi/e-booksguide and at our web-page Acquisition of e-books

Changes during academic year

In case you notice that a book required on course is missing from our collection or number of copies is insufficient, please send us an e-mail at tietoaineistot@utu.fi. The same goes as well if the number of students on the course increases remarkably.
We are happy to help you in any questions concerning the course books.


Created 11.04.2019 | Updated 15.04.2019