Professors Steven Vallas and Valeria Pulignano as visiting professors at Turku Centre for Labour Studies TCLS


Professor Valeria Pulignano (KU Leuven, BE) and Professor Emeritus Steven Vallas (Northeastern University, US) are visiting professors at Turku Centre for Labour Sciences TCLS.

Professor Valeria Pulignano is Professor in Sociology at the Centre for Sociological Research (CESO) - KU Leuven. She has published extensively on topics related to the sociology of work, comparative European industrial (employment) relations, labour markets and inequality, working conditions, job quality and workers’ voice. She is PI of a ERC Advanced Grant ResPecTMe where she studies the forms of unpaid labour in the platform economy, creative industries and care. Pulignano is one of the invited keynote speakers at the WORK2023 conference on work and working life research organized by TCLS in August. She is visiting the unit in 2023-2024. Pulignano's guest lecture at TCLS will take place in spring 2024.

Professor Emeritus Steven Vallas is Professor of Sociology at Northeastern University in Boston. Most of his research is concerned with the transformation of work, struggles over new technologies, and responses to the demands of the new economy. He is currently at work on an NSF-funded study of the algorithmic workplace, focusing on ride hailing, home maintenance, courier, and caregiving platforms. Vallas is an honorary member of the scientific committee of the WORK2023 conference and chairs the PLATFORM WORK: THEORY, RESEARCH AND ACTION stream at the conference. Vallas has been a key member in the planning of the scientific programme of the WORK conferences since 2013. He has been the visiting professor of the unit since 2022 and will be until the end of year 2023.

Created 07.08.2023 | Updated 07.08.2023