Record Number of Doctoral Degrees in 2018


In total, 1,805 higher academic degrees and 194 doctoral degrees were completed at the University of Turku in 2018. Last year, the number of completed doctoral degrees was higher than ever before in the University’s history.

The degree statistics of the University of Turku from 2018 have been published. Altogether, 194 doctoral degrees were completed at the University last year. This is the highest record number so far.

– The result is a proof of the extensive development work carried out at the University of Turku Graduate School and individual doctoral programmes in the past few years. A single most significant factor is the improving of dissertation supervision and the follow-up of study progress. The development of study planning and follow-up is also the factor behind the record of the completed higher academic degrees, says Vice Rector of the University of Turku Riitta Pyykkö who is responsible for education.

1,805 higher academic degrees were completed, which is the second highest number in the University’s history. As for the number of completed Master’s degrees, the year 2018 was second only to the degree reform year of 2008. In total, 1,688 students completed a lower academic degree.

– Last year can be considered the University of Turku’s new record year regarding the number of completed Master’s degrees, too, as the record of 2008 was set when the transition period of the degree reform ended. Above all, we get to thank our active and hard-working students who have made this happen, Pyykkö says delightedly.

Quantitatively, the highest number of doctoral degrees was completed at the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Science and Engineering.

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Created 21.01.2019 | Updated 21.01.2019