Turku School of Economics Renews its Alumni Activities


​Turku School of Economics is developing its alumni activities – from now on all those who have completed a degree or eMBA programme are considered alumni.

Turku School of Economics is renewing and diversifying its alumni activities. From now on, TSE will coordinate and manage its own alumni activities. These activities will be planned by the Alumni Council headed by Dean of the Turku School of Economics Markus Granlund. Executive Secretary Terhikki Saari will act as coordinator of alumni affairs.

With the birth of this new organisation, the former Turun kauppakorkeakoulun Alumni ry association has been dissolved by decision of the general meeting. A planning task force has been appointed to arrange the annual autumn alumni event. Those active in the organisation this far are also fully engaged in the new organs, and activities will be based on close cooperation with active alumni.

The goal is continuous interaction with graduates

All those who have completed a degree or eMBA programme are considered alumni and included in alumni activities. Both present and former staff members are also welcome to alumni events.

In the future, TSE wants to be more active in keeping its alumni up to date on how things are going. The School is developing its contacts with alumni, and during the coming year will introduce new forms of communication.

‒ It is important that we create an ongoing relationship with our graduates. In this way we can initiate and enhance cooperation, which will benefit both parties. We can offer alumni many types of added value, and the alumni can support our teaching, mentoring of students and networking.  The quality of our alumni activities and it integration into our functioning is one of the things that counts in the international accreditation process. Multifaceted alumni activities are important for many reasons for a vivacious business school which profits from and capitalises on its networks, Markus Granlund states.

More information about the alumni activities at TSE:

Coordinator Terhikki Saari, 02 333 9202, turunkauppakorkeakoulu@utu.fi

Created 12.06.2014 | Updated 12.06.2014