There are nearly fifty open vacancies for fixed-term doctoral candidate positions at the University of Turku from 1 January 2020 onwards. The call for applications is open 2–20 September 2019. This is already the seventh year that the University of Turku Graduate School (UTUGS) opens a call for paid doctoral candidate positions. This time, the programmes include the new doctoral programme of the INVEST project that is part of the flagship programme of the Academy of Finland.
At the University of Turku, doctoral training is coordinated by the University of Turku Graduate School (UTUGS). It consists of 17 doctoral programmes that cover all the disciplines represented at the University of Turku. All the doctoral candidates pursuing their degree in the University belong to one of the doctoral programmes.
The doctoral candidate positions are applied through the doctoral programmes, and they can be applied by both the current doctoral candidates as well as those applying for the right to study in September. The doctoral candidates are employed for conducting full-time dissertation research. The aim is to finish the doctoral degree in four years’ time.
Annually, the University of Turku Graduate School funds nearly 200 doctoral candidates in total. The selected doctoral candidates will work as part of a multidisciplinary research university that offers high-quality education. In the past few years, the University of Turku has especially invested in supporting young researchers’ postdoctoral careers and the digitalisation of doctoral training.
In June, the doctoral programmes of the University of Turku were complemented with the new Invest doctoral programme that is part of the University’s Inequalities, Interventions and New Welfare State (INVEST) flagship programme. The flagship aims at increasing well-being during childhood and youth with research on inequality, interventions, and the new welfare state. The programme has 10 paid positions through the University of Turku Graduate School, and its operations are developed by University Teacher Patricia McMullin. In addition to the flagship’s principal investigators, several other participating researchers may work as supervisors, too.
– This is a great time to apply for this new programme, encourages Director of the University of Turku Graduate School UTUGS, Professor Pirjo Nuutila.
The call will be published on 2 September on the Graduate School’s webpages.
More information
Elise Pinta, Head of Unit, t. 040 161 2970,