Satu Ramula profile picture
Docent, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
University Lecturer, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
PhD, adjunct professor


+358 29 450 4227
+358 50 465 3149
Vesilinnantie 5

Areas of expertise

Demographic methods
invasive species
plant ecology
population ecology
soil microbiota
structured population models


2020-  University lecturer in plant ecology, University of Turku

2015-2020 Academy of Finland research fellow, University of Turku

2006 PhD, Stockholm University


  • Current courses:
  • BIOL1007 Structure and function of plants
  • BIOL4220 Biological data analysis: multivariate methods
  • EKOL2110 Populations, communities, and ecosystems
  • EKOL2111 Practical exercises in ecology
  • EKOL2354 Identification of vascular plants in Finland
  • EKOL2302 Terrestrial plant ecology, field course
  • MAAN6154 Biogeography


My research focuses on population ecology and invasive species. I am broadly interested in population-level ecological, evolutionary and methodological questions, including drivers of plant invasions, species interactions, and data quality issues. I often apply structured population models to understand spatial and temporal variation in wild populations, and to produce management recommendations.

I am a member of the science committee for the COMPADRE & COMADRE database ( project to create an open-access database of matrix population models for both animals and plants from all over the world to facilitate its usage for scientific and teaching purposes. These databases are a repository of demographic data from (mostly) published literature. As the number of published matrix population models (MPMs) grows, so do the opportunities to ask exciting questions about plant and animal demography, ecology, and evolution at a global and cross-taxonomic scale. The underlying motivation behind COMPADRE and COMADRE is to facilitate this research by collecting, digitising, and archiving MPMs at a central repository in a standardised format.  




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Biological flora of Central Europe – Lupinus polyphyllus Lindley (2023)

Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics
Eckstein R. Lutz, Welk Erik, Klinger Yves P., Lennartsson Tommy, Wissman Jörgen, Ludewig Kristen, Hansen Wiebke, Ramula Satu
(Vertaisarvioitu katsausartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A2))

A standard protocol to report discrete stage-structured demographic information (2023)

Methods in Ecology and Evolution
Gascoigne SJL, Rolph S, Sankey D, Nidadavolu N, Picman AS, Hernandez CM, Philpott MER, Salam A, Bernard C, Fenollosa E, Lee YJ, McLean J, Perera SHA, Spacey OG, Kajin M, Vinton AC, Archer CR, Burns JH, Buss DL, Caswell H, Che-Castaldo JP, Childs DZ, Capdevila P, Compagnoni A, Crone E, Ezard THG, Hodgson D, Knight TM, Jones OR, Jongejans E, McDonald J, Tenhumberg B, Thomas CC, Tyre AJ, Ramula S, Stott I, Tremblay RL, Wilson P, Vaupel JW, Salguero-Gomez R
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

The economic costs, management and regulation of biological invasions in the Nordic countries (2022)

Journal of Environmental Management
Kourantidou Melina, Verbrugge Laura N. H., Haubrock Phillip J., Cuthbert Ross N., Angulo, Elena, Ahonen Inkeri, Cleary Michelle, Falk-Andersson Jannike, Granhag Lena, Gislason Sindri, Kaiser Brooks, Kosenius Anna-Kaisa, Lange Henrik, Lehtiniemi Maiju, Magnussen Kristin, Navrud Stale, Nummi Petri, Oficialdegui Francisco J., Ramula Satu, Ryttari Terhi, von Schmalensee Menja, Stefansson Robert A., Diagne Christophe, Courchamp Franck
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))