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Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Turku

University of Turku supports the postdoctoral researcher stage, which gives a basis for proceeding on research career and working in expert positions in various fields. The goal of the University is to offer postdoctoral researchers diverse opportunities for development.

University of Turku is committed to developing the postdoctoral phase in its strategy. The European Commission has granted the University the right to use the HR Excellence in Research logo of an excellent employer, which confirms the commitment to the development of the position and working conditions of researchers. The goal of the University of Turku is to be an attractive and competitive environment also for top international researchers.

E-mail list

The University of Turku employs postdoctoral researchers either in employment relationship or as scholarship researchers. The aim is to improve the support of all postdoctoral researchers through a common e-mail list.

You can join the distribution group following these instructions:

  • Go to and sign in.
  • Click "Options" (right upper corner), and select Options.
  • Click "General" and select "Distribution groups".
  • "Join…" (two persons and a +).
  • Select the group you want to join ("postdoc") and press "Join" (two persons and a +).
  • If you want to leave the group, select it, and press "Leave" (two persons and a -).Joining an E-mail list
Postdoctoral community

Network for Early-Career Researchers in Turku (NERT)

The aims of NERT are to act as mediators and communicators in varied issues; work in cooperation with different organisations in the the University of Turku and existing research communities in the Turku region; as well as create opportunities for networking, sharing information, peer support, socializing and promoting interests of its members.

Join to the emailing list of NERT

NERT LinkedIn group


Quick Guide for Postdocs and Students

The guide offers practical and straightforward tips on basic matters, making it easier for researchers and students coming from outside Finland to integrate into the local community in Turku. This guide was created out of a need to assist future postdocs and is written based on personal experience.

Read the guide from here

Onboarding and well-being


Regardless of the duration of the employment relationship, all employees entering the service of the University of Turku are covered by the onboarding. Likewise, doctoral researchers and grantees, as well as other persons working permanently within the University, must be onboarded to their duties and the work community. Onboarding is the responsibility of the supervisor. However, being active and networking with other university staff is the responsibility of the employee.

Welcome to work with us!

For new university member (UTU sign-in required)

Check also the Moodle onboarding learning environment. There is a separate section "Onboarding for Researchers".

Welcome to UTU course area (Moodle)

Well-being services

Members of the university community are provided with support and services that promote well-being at work. These include training and coaching for well-being at work, support for work communities in change, early support and mediation, coordination of occupational health support services, health and safety issues, data protection issues, equality and non-discrimination issues, CampusSport and accessibility services.

Early Support for Staff and Work Communities at intranet (UTU sign-in required)

Developing Professional Skills

Staff training

Staff training is offered free of charge to all members of the university staff. Also grant and doctoral researchers as well as visiting researchers can attend. Please see the staff training pages at intranet (requires UTU sign-in).

Courses of the graduate school

The Graduate School (UTUGS) also organises training that may be of interest to postdoctoral researchers. Doctoral students are given priority in graduate school training, but postdoctoral researchers are also admitted to the courses. The study guide contains information about the courses and instructions on how to participate in them.

All courses are also open to scholarship researchers.


The aim of mentoring for postdoctoral researchers is to provide support, for example, in career planning or reorientation, in expanding networks with actors in one's own field and in identifying one's own competence.

ResearchComp - The European Competence Framework for Researchers

ResearchComp is a tool that helps researchers assess and develop their own transversal skills and employers to be aware of the wide set of competences of researchers.

ResearchComp consists of

  • 7 competence areas (cognitive abilities, doing research, managing research, managing research tools, making an impact, working with others, self-management)
  • 38 competences
  • 389 learning outcomes along 4 proficiency levels (foundational, intermediate, advanced, expert).

It is not suggested that researchers acquire the highest level of proficiency for all 38 competences or have the same proficiency across all the competences. However, researchers should develop competences in all seven areas.

Funding opportunities

Funding opportunities at the University of Turku

The University of Turku hosts two multidisciplinary research collegia: Turku Institute for Advanced Studies (TIAS) and Turku Collegium for Science and Medicine (TCSMT). The collegia recruit postdoctoral researchers through international applications. You can find out more about application instructions and schedules on the collegia's' websites.

Open vacancies at the University of Turku

If you are applying for funding from the University of Turku through other means or are interested in funding opportunities, please contact:

Other funding opportunities

Foundations' Post Doc Pool
Academy of Finland
MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships
ERC Starting Grant
Post Docs in Companies (PoDoCo)