Anna Ryzhova

Anna – Master's student in Futures Studies

Meet Anna Ryzhova, a current Master's degree student at the University of Turku and an UTUambassador 2020-2022!

"After getting my bachelor's degree in Business Administration also in Finland, I have decided to continue my education in this country as the Finnish education system is very interactive, innovative and allows you to broaden your horizons through a variety of opportunities, including exchange programmes and international partnerships. I have chosen the University of Turku because of its unique Master`s Degree programme in Futures Studies provided by Finland Futures Research Centre. Based on my own experience of being a student in a few Finnish cities, I can say that Turku is the best city for students!"

Instagram: @ann_gexwy I LinkedIn: Anna Ryzhova

Anna's study experience

Tell more about your programme and why you chose it!

After getting my bachelor's degree in Business Administration, I decided to continue my education in the field of futures studies as it seemed a very interesting and truly unique programme. It is provided by Finland Futures Research Centre which is one of the few university departments devoted to futures research in the world. Futures studies researches alternative futures, and the challenges and possibilities included in them.

What has been the most interesting course for you so far?

Our classes are very interactive and give an opportunity to approach the field from different perspectives. I got to know Futures Guidance project during Futures Case Evaluation course, became interested and got a supervisor for my thesis from this project.

Futures Guidance combines futures research methods with guidance-oriented thinking. The future is seen as an open phenomenon that can contain many different possibilities - that’s why futureS. In my master’s thesis, I am exploring how current international students of Turku’s higher education institutions see themselves in the future.

What are your future career plans?

I would like to build a career in international affairs by combining my futures studies expertise and international experience to further develop internationalisation in Finland and future-oriented thinking within international students.

My career plan was also influenced by my activities at the student union TYY where I gained experience in international affairs and development cooperation. So besides the studies, being active in student life is also enhancing your skills and can open new doors for you!