Keyword: Classics

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Collaboration at the Department of Classics

Due to the wide range of research topics available, classical philologists often work together with students from other fields (e.g. history, linguistics and literature). The ancient world offers plenty of opportunities for educational collaboration.

Research at the Department of Classics

The discipline that involves the study of classical languages and culture is called classical philology, which traditionally explores classical culture through the Greek and Latin languages and the texts written in these languages. Due to this historical aspect, the research conducted in the field is very interdisciplinary: depending on the research topic, a classical philologist may employ various methods and discoveries from for example history, linguistics, archaeology, philosophy, literature, religion and gender studies.

Studying at the Department of Classics

The study of classical languages provides the tools for understanding texts that have survived from antiquity in their own historical and cultural context. This helps illuminate the various phenomena that are related to language and culture in the world around us, such as the changes in a language and the contacts between languages.

Department of Classics

The Department of Classics fosters the knowledge of classical languages and culture – the foundation of academia and Western civilization.