Keyword: Department of Social Research
New tool enables exploring and visualising inequalities across Europe
Researchers have developed a new interactive tool to view inequality indicators. It allows journalists, policymakers, researchers, and data scientists to visually explore and understand inequalities more precisely than ever.
Class Background Reflects on the Abundance of Social Relationships and level of subjective well-being in Finland (Doctoral defence: MA Minna Tuominen, 29.11.2024, Sociology)
Social relationships are formed unequally according to class background even in relatively egalitarian Finland, as shown in Minna Tuominen's doctoral research. Particularly trust, which is strongly linked to well-being, varies by social class, accumulating more among the highly educated and better-off classes. Especially vulnerable are those in lower education and income groups, as well as immigrants, who often rely on relatively fewer social relationships.
Current Intersections of Culture, Language and Wellbeing
Current Intersections of Culture, Language and Wellbeing Seminar
Kulttuuri ja terveys -tutkijaseminaari / Research Centre for Culture and Health Seminar
Research Centre for Culture and Health Seminar
Research Centre for Culture and Health Seminar
INVEST Received Flagship Funding for a Second Term
The Academy of Finland has granted a continued funding of over 9 million euros to the Inequalities, Interventions and New Welfare State Flagship INVEST. The funding period extends until 2026. The international review panel which completed a mid-term review of the Flagship found its activities excellent and very successful while also considering its plans for the future promising.