French is the language of culture, international relations, business and diplomacy, spoken by more than 200 million people around the world on five continents. In addition to France, Belgium, Switzerland and Canada, French is spoken in numerous countries in Africa and Oceania. French is the first official working language alongside English in the European Union, as well as the working language and official language of numerous international organizations. Proficiency in the French language, customs and geography is required in many areas of the economy. French skill is a gateway to multiculturalism as well as a deeper understanding of different forms of art.

At the University of Turku, you can start your French studies from scratch and continue on the basis of these or previous studies. The aim of the basic and advanced courses is to provide basic skills in the French language and culture and to maintain and deepen the acquired language skills.

The aim of both upper-level and faculty-specific courses is to provide students with the language skills required to complete a degree or study abroad. In addition, the aim is to provide the language skills and cultural knowledge required in working life, which make it possible to follow the development of one's own field and operate in an international environment.

All French courses provide the skills to develop as a language learner. Students are encouraged to set their own goals for active study of the French language and culture later on.
In French, you can complete a study module or study it at the School of Economics as a minor.


Courses Offered

Beginner’s Courses



Continuation Courses
Advanced Courses
Independent Studies
French Courses for Business Students

RA1Aa French Continuation Course, 4 ECTS, A2

RA1Ab Business French, 2 ECTS, A2

RA1Ba Business French I, 4 ECTS, B1-B2

RA1Bb Français des affaires II, 2 ECTS, B1-B2

RA2 French Written Business Communication, 3 ECTS, A2-C1

RA3 Business Oral and Writing Skills, 3 ECTS

RA7 Translation of Economical Texts (Finnish-French], 3 ECTS

RA8 French in Practice, 3 ECTS

RA10 Spoken Business French I, 2 ECTS

RA13 Spoken Business French II, 2 ECTS

RA19 Contemporary France, 3 ECTS

RA21 Reading Comprehension, 2 ECTS

MONI3 Plurilingual Studies Abroad (German-French), 3 ECTS

MONI4 Communication in Public Affairs (Finnish-French), 4 ECTS

MONI4 Vaikuttajaviestintä (suomi-ranska), 4 op