Collaboration at the Department of German

The researchers in the Department of German participate in international networks and are active in developing their fields of research. 

Partners of the Department of German in Finland and abroad

The Department of German co-operates with several local institutions to provide a wide variety of interesting courses. Visits to local companies as well as visits by local experts from various fields are an important part of university studies. 

Currently, there are several collaborative projects with various European universities under way, for example, with the Universities of Berlin, Graz, Groningen, Limerick, Nijmegen, Saarland Stockholm, and Tallinn. Research on various aspects of translation and translation pedagogy is carried out in co-operation with the INSTB network (International Network of Simulated Translation Bureaus). 

In teaching and pedagogy, some of the principal partners include the other language departments at the University of Turku, the school Turun Normaalikoulu, the Department of Teacher Education at the University of Turku, and the department of German at the Åbo Akademi. The Master’s level courses of the department of German at the Åbo akademi are open for our students as well. Other partners include the Goethe-Institut, DAAD, the Turku Region Language Teachers’ Association and the Finnisch-Deutscher Verein Turku, as well as the Austrian Embassy, the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Embassy of Switzerland.