Turku Law School

Turku Law School is a cooperative organization which involves two universities in Turku. Together, University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University organize a wide range of high-quality academic law courses which are all held in English. 

Turku Law School´s (TLS) purpose is to provide versatile study opportunities for exchange and degree students of co-operative institutions. The degree students in the Faculty of Law, Åbo Akademi University and Business Law department at Turku School of Economics have a opportunity to complete a part of their degree at these other units.

Every year Turku Law School Annual Lecture brings together the staff and the students to listen and discuss the topical questions of European Law.

Who can attend the courses?

The studies are open to all the university students in case no prior law studies are required in the detailed course description. To register for Turku Law School courses, students should consult the party arranging the course. For Turku Law School courses provided by the Faculty of Law at the University of Turku, students register for the courses in the same way as with any other courses. Please read the detailed instructions for each student group below.

Selection criteria

Detailed information on enrollment is written in the study guide´s course description. In case there are more students than study places, the students are first listed in random order by drawing a lot and after that selected in the following order: 1/3 of the places is reserved for the degree students of the Faculty of Law. For the remaining places,
the following criteria will be used to select the participants:

  1. Exchange students at the TLS unit
  2. Degree students at the TLS unit
  3. Other students

Turku Law School Annual Lecture

How to apply?

Exchange students

Exchange students must apply to the University of Turku according to the instructions given by the International Office. In the application process you must select the courses for the learning agreement. A learning agreement is a preliminary approval which confirms you the courses that are organized. You must enroll for the courses in the UTU database called Nettiopsu after arrival to Turku. It is also easy to change the courses after arrival.

You can add both University of Turku and Åbo Akademi courses to your learning agreement. International Office will advice you during orientation week on how to register for the Åbo Akademi courses officially. In case you have any questions regarding Åbo Akademi courses you can contact them by e-mail at tuija-liisa.pohja@abo.fi. 

Visiting students

Visiting students are non-degree students who independently come to the university without having a formal exchange agreement. Visiting students can study the courses in case there are available places after Turku law school exchange students and degree students.

Visiting students must always apply directly to the organizing university. Therefore, in case you are interested in Åbo Akademi courses, please contact tuija-liisa.pohja@abo.fi.

Application and payment instructions for the visiting students.

Åbo Akademi students

Åbo Akademi law exchange and degree students are comparable to the University of Turku degree and exchange students. This means that you will be selected to the courses in the order of enrollment according to the selection quotas listed above. 

In order to be able to enroll to courses in the Peppi database you must first enroll to the University of Turku. Starting from summer of 2022, there is an electronic application form in use between University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University. Please check the instructions on our webpage about flexible study right before filling in the electronic form. Also exchange students from UTU wanting to study at ÅA must use this electronic application procedure.

Law Degree students

Students can benefit in many ways from studying the courses in the English language, and therefore, Turku Law School courses are a solid part of the law degree studies. Enrollment for the courses is done according to the same instructions as to the other optional courses.

We also recommend that our students should look into the courses offered by Åbo Akademi. The registration is done in JOOPAS-database and the instructions are on intranet (requirers UTU account).

Non-law students

Even though many law courses require previous knowledge in the field of law, it is not always mandatory. Please read the study guide carefully. If there are non-law students listed in the selection criteria of a specific course in the Turku Law School study guide and there are no previous law course requirements listed, you can enroll for the courses according to these instructions:

Exchange students: please include the courses in your learning agreement or contact us at tls@utu.fi.

University of Turku degree students: you must apply to the courses. The instructions are listed on the Faculty of Law intranet (requires UTU account)

Åbo Akademi degree students: please apply via JOOPAS Database.

If you have any questions regarding the courses organized by Faculty of Law, please contact tls@utu.fi.

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