Applying for the Title of Docent at the Faculty of Medicine

The University may award the title of docent (dosentti in Finnish) to a person who has comprehensive knowledge of their own field, a capacity for independent research or artistic work demonstrated through publication or some other manner, and good teaching skills.

Since 1 January 2010, a docent is no longer in an employment relationship with the University solely on the basis of the docentship.

Further instructions

Trial lecture and teaching skills

When applying the title of a docent, or teaching position, the applicant may need to give a trial lecture More information is available from the departments or from the faculty guidelines. 

Academic portfolio

Academic portfolio is a subjective representation of the individual's qualifications in all fields of academic work: research, teaching, administration and activities outside the university. Partly, the contents and form of the portfolio are dictated by the type of post it is used to apply for. 

Read more

Preparing a list of publications

For all publications, include a full reference with all authors, the name of the article or publication, and the publisher.

The list of publications is a public document. Do not include any confidential information.

The list of publications must be numbered and categorized as follows:

  1. Original articles in international peer-reviewed scientific journals
  2. Reviews in international peer-reviewed scientific journals
  3. Original articles in domestic peer-reviewed journals
  4. Reviews in domestic peer-reviewed journals
  5. International textbooks and chapters in textbooks
  6. Domestic textbooks and chapters in textbooks
  7. Other publications (optional)
  8. Abstracts (optional)
  9. Patents (optional);

The list of publications must make clear publications which are used as study material. Also doctoral theses and other theses must be marked in a way that sets them apart in the list.

Docent Committee of the Faculty of Medicine

Members (1.4.2022–31.3.2025)

Chair, Professor Jorma Toppari
Secretary, HR Secretary Nelli Hyvärinen

Professor Eeva-Liisa Eskelinen
Professor Juha Grönroos
Professor Johannes Savolainen
Professor Jaana Hagström
Assistant Professor Anna Axelin

Timetable of the Docent Committee meetings

Applications must be delivered to the Faculty Office two weeks before the meeting.

  • 18.6.2024
  • 13.8.2024
  • 24.9.2024
  • 22.10.2024
  • 19.11.2024
  • 17.12.2024
  • 21.1.2025

Secretary to the Docent Committee Nelli Hyvärinen.