Studying at the Department of Computing
ICT education at the multidisciplinary and international University of Turku is the key to the future work. The need for experts on the ICT field is growing fast, locally and globally, so after the graduation, you don't have to look for a job for long or from far.
Developing an Artificial Intelligence requires human intelligence and the Internet of Things is developed for humans, not for things. Who takes care of these tasks? Who takes care of the functioning and safe Cyber-Society? Indeed, more IT experts are needed than ever before.
The Department of Computing provides education in Computer Science, Information Technology, Biomedical Engineering and Health Technology. Computer Science students graduate as Master of Science, and Information Technology and Biomedical Engineering and Health Technology students as Master of Science in Technology. Themes of the studies are very versatile:
- Software Engineering
- Cyber-Society, -Safety and -Privacy
- Robotics and Autonomous Systems
- Data Analysis and Machine Learning
- Natural Language Processing
- Interaction Design, Mixed Reality and Gamification
Biomedical Engineering and Health Technology
More than studying
Studying in the Department of Computing consists of lectures, teamwork, writings, demos, tutorials and other exercises, learning diaries, independent work, seminars, project work, group discussions and of course examinations.
Our students' subject associations, Asteriski, Digit and Asklepio serve as a counterbalance, and on the other hand, also as a support of the studies. Asteriski , established 1972, is the subject association of the students of Computer Science. Digit, established 1999 is our Information Technology students' subject association. Biomedical Engineering and Health Technology students' Asklepio is the newest subject association of our students, founded in 2022.