IHAN SME - program impact study

Description: CCR is evaluating the impact of the IHAN business program on behalf of Sitra. This research cooperation will provide information that Sitra and the participating parties can use to further develop the program. CCR will also assess the program's impact after the project is completed. In addition to research, the results can be utilised in education and the development of new business model tools for the IHAN business program. Sitra's IHAN business program is intended for small and medium-sized enterprises with the aim of helping them create data-driven products and services that adhere to fair data economy principles so that they create value for everyone - the companies themselves, customers, and partners - and lower the barriers for companies to make decisions and implement changes within their own organizations, and helping companies leverage data in new, competitive networks. Sitra's business program pilot was held in the fall of 2020.

Schedule: 8/2020-11/2022

Funding: Sitra