S4V Future Fairway Navigation (BF)

Description: The Sea4Value research programme, coordinated by DIMECC, includes the S4V Future Fairway Navigation project. This project studies two elements of future seafaring: intelligent fairways and remote pilotage. The multidisciplinary project aims to research what requirements and new opportunities could be recognised related to digital infrastructure and services on the waterways. One significant service under development is remote pilotage, which would enable safer and flexibly managed pilotage and seafaring. Within DIMECC’s OneSea ecosystem, these development paths also contribute to developing autonomous shipping solutions. CCR’s tasks in the project relate to modelling visions for future services and business models for utilising new technology and data sources.

Schedule: Feb 2020 – Jun 2022

Research partners: Aalto, Novia, TUNI, JYU, DIMECC

Partner companies: Awake.ai, Brighthouse Intelligence, Finnpilot Pilotage, Ericsson, Haltian, Meyer Turku

Funding: Business Finland