S4V Smart Terminals

Description: The S4V Smart Terminals (Smarter) project, which is part of Dimecc's Sea4Value program, aims to research and develop solutions to support ro-ro traffic in ports in order to reduce emissions and improve traffic flow management. The goal is to create repeatable models in port environments that optimize the timing and turnaround time of ships, improve the efficiency of truck traffic, and minimize the impact on other traffic in port cities. Passenger traffic is also taken into account to improve the passenger experience. As part of Dimecc's OneSea ecosystem, the project is also preparing solutions that enable autonomous shipping. CCR's research in the project focuses on developing and modeling cooperation between port stakeholders to promote the adoption and implementation of new solutions.

Schedule: 3/2021-2/2023

Research partners: Novia, Turku University of Applied Sciences, University of Jyväskylä, Åbo Akademi

Other Partners: ADE, Attracs, Awake.Ai, Brighthouse Intelligence, Focusplan, Lingsoft, Nodeon Finland, Teleste, Visy

Funding: Business Finland