Publication Instructions of the Doctoral Theses at Turku School of Economics

Doctoral dissertations at Turku School of Economics are mainly published in the University of Turku Annales E – Oeconomica series. The publication process takes usually about seven weeks.

The University Library has a dissertation guide where you can find the whole publication process and the word templates, but below is TSE-specific instructions concerning e.g. the amount of printed copies and where to deliver them.

In addition, the University has gathered guidelines for dissertation defence:

Publication instructions at Turku School of Economics

Publication series

Doctoral dissertations are published in the University of Turku – Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, subseries E – Oeconomica. Only doctoral dissertations which have been granted a printing permission by Turku School of Economics are published in the Annales E – Oeconomica series. You must use the correct word template when publishing in the Annales serie.
The publications in the subseries E - Oeconomica may be published as both printed copies and in electronic format (recommended) or only as printed copies. Publishing only online is not possible in the subseries E – Oeconomica.

For publishing in the series, a publishing agreement is made (Agreement to publish the publications of the University of Turku in the Annales Universitatis Turkuensis series). The agreements (two copies) are submitted to the University Library by mail to: University of Turku Library, Annales series, FI 20014 Turun yliopisto, Finland. One of the agreements is returned signed by the Library to the author by mail.
You may request a serial number as well as ISBN and ISSN numbers for you publication by filling in an online form (see below step 3 in the process). The Library will send you the number after receiving the publication agreement.

The word template, the publishing agreement and the online form can be found from the Library's Guide.

Printing costs

The printing house is chosen freely by the doctoral candidate but it is recommended to use Painosalama which is the printing house tendered by the University. The doctoral candidate is responsible for covering the printing costs. You may apply for a grant for covering the printing costs from the Turku School of Economics Association.
The Turku School of Economics Association grant for printing costs is applied with a specific application form available from Coordinator Jenni Heervä: The grants are paid twice a year: 15 June and 15 December. You may apply for the grant after your dissertation has been granted a printing permission by TSE. The grant is paid on the above-mentioned dates after the graduation from the doctoral degree programme is registered in the study register system.
The application form must be delivered at least three weeks before the date of the payment by email to: and

Minimum printing requirements and distribution

When deciding the amount of printed copies, see the required amount for printed copies with the delivery instructions and inform the printing house on the amount. The minimum amount for compulsory distribution depends on whether your dissertation is published electronically in the University’s Publication Archive or not. Remember to tell the TSE Info Desk how your thesis was published so that they know where to send the books.

The printing house will notify you when the copies of your dissertation are ready. Deliver the printed copies meant to the public to Turku School of Economics Info Desk (in the main lobby) no later than 10 days (including weekend days) before the public examination of the doctoral dissertation. See more specific instructions here.

Send the online version of the dissertation (if published online) to the Library no later than 15 days before the public examination of the doctoral dissertation. Send the online version by email to: The Library will take care of the publishing in the DORIA Publications Archive of University of Turku.

Publishing the doctoral dissertation

Get in touch with the printing house ahead of time. You may contact the printing house and ask about their schedules before you have been granted a printing permission. This important especially if you have a tight schedule. Usually the printing process takes about seven weeks.
You can find University’s contract printing houses from the University's guidelines for disseration defence.

The Library has a dissertation publication guide, please read it carefully.