TSE's Research Collaboration with Companies

Turku School of Economics has versatile and continuous collaborations with  the industry. TSE researchers collaborate directly with companies and other organizations, but also participate in various industry networks as part of doing research. Multidicsiplinarity has an increasing role in the collaboration. 

Industry engagement is very important, because research at TSE aims at impact and results that are solution-centric. Research findings are communicated actively in media as well as in company and public sector networks. Research findings are put into practice in long-term collaborative relationships with businesses, public sector organizations and trade associations.

A large share of the research done at TSE is linked directly to the development of our society through projects that support decision-making in companies and public organizations. Various players in the society, both nationally and internationally participate in the research projects and utilize the research findings. TSE researchers are encouraged to disseminate widely their research findings and to utilize their expertise in different positions of trust.

Research Collaboration Facts

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