A highly commended paper recognition for IB's Henna Leino, Leila Hurmerinta and Birgitta Sandberg


A research article written by Postdoctoral Researcher Henna Leino and University Research Fellow Birgitta Sandberg from International Business and University Lecturer Leila Hurmerinta from Marketing has been selected as a highly commended paper for 2021 in the Journal of Services Marketing out of the 78 articles published that year. Award winners are selected based on both the downloads and the merit of the contribution to services marketing. The paper is entitled: “Balancing service inclusion for primary and secondary customers experiencing vulnerabilities”. The full text can be accessed at: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JSM-07-2020-0305/full/html.

The theme of the article is related to another recent article by Sandberg, Hurmerinta, Leino and Menzfeld (Mira Menzfeld, University of Zurich) which received the Best Paper in the Special Issue Award in the Journal of Service Research (2022): “Autonomy or security? Core value trade-offs and spillovers in servicescapes for vulnerable customers” (https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/10946705211012472).

Created 22.08.2022 | Updated 22.08.2022