New TIAS Postdoctoral Fellows introduce their research projects in an online seminar on 20.1.2021
The position of Turku Institute for Advanced Studies (TIAS) research collegium as an interdisciplinary centre of research excellence was further strengthened in the beginning of this year when six new Postdoctoral Fellows started in their three-year long positions. The new Postdoctoral Fellows introduce their research projects in an online seminar on Wednesday, 20 January.
– We welcome colleagues from the University of Turku and beyond to join us in this online seminar to find out more about TIAS, its new Fellows and their research. Please join us online for an hour of interdisciplinary research excellence, Director of TIAS, Professor Martin Cloonan says.
Meet the new TIAS Fellows
Time: Wed 20.1.2021, 15.00–16.00
Place: Zoom (passcode 111555)
Words of welcome and introduction to TIAS: Prof. Martin Cloonan, Director of TIAS
Daniel Acquah (Law): Technical assistance as an enabler of the global constitutionalization of intellectual property norms
Mona Mannevuo (Social Sciences): The concept of social engineering as a tool in science and technology studies
Johanna Raitis (Turku School of Economics): System‐spanning values work and entrepreneurial growth in family firms
Teija Rantala (Humanities): Embodied reproductive politics, arts-based methods and former Conservative Laestadian women
Seckin Sertdemir (Social Sciences): Citizenship deprivation and civil/civic death in Turkey
Jenni Tikkanen (Education): Formation of young people’s life courses in times of risk and uncertainty
Comments and questions from the audience