Quantum Library Resources Relocate to Teutori Library


The mathematical, natural science, and engineering resources from Quantum Library were relocated to Teutori Library in the spring. Teutori Library facilities were updated based on student feedback.

Expanded spaces and enhanced customer service

The library aims to consider functional factors and the needs of our customers during the transition. We managed to maintain the library services for the Faculty of Science, and Faculty of Technology primarily unchanged - now just a few hundred meters farther away. The level of service even improved slightly: as the distance to the library and its facilities and services increased somewhat, the number of available and bookable spaces and the accessibility of library customer service also expanded.

Teutori Library offers a greater number of group workspaces and study areas than Quantum Library did. A significant portion of the spaces can also be reserved in advance, making space usability more predictable and flexible. Teutori Library has extended service hours, with services available until six in the evening. Additionally, Teutori already housed the medicine resources. The resources complement each other, as faculties use some of the same resources in their course requirements.

Students desired study areas

In conjunction with Quantum Library's relocation, the library conducted a survey to gather input and preferences for Teutori Library. The survey was carried out both electronically (Webropol) and physically in Quantum Library. All responses were compiled, and we received an encouraging 124 respondents. Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey!

The survey was implemented to generate ideas for Teutori Library's interior design. The suggestions that emerged from the survey have been incorporated into the renovated Teutori Library. We also invited representatives from two student organizations, Synapsi and Delta, to Teutori Library to provide feedback on the preliminary interior design plan. The plan was well-received, and we obtained valuable comments from the representatives.

The first question aimed to identify what was good and functional in Quantum's spaces. The most important aspects were group workspaces (78% of responses) and distance from auditoriums (65% of responses). Atmosphere, librarians, and resources also received several responses (38-43% of responses). Individual mentions included location and the abundance of natural light.

The second question explored which features of Quantum Library should be incorporated into Teutori Library. Group work tables received most of the responses (57%). Steady support was given for work box chairs (46%), library staff (44%), customer computers (41%), and writable walls (38%). Individual responses mentioned location again, but also chalkboards as an alternative to whiteboards, ergonomic workstations, and spaces for both independent and group work.

The subsequent multiple-choice question sought to determine the typical activities in the library. The library was mainly used for studying (87% of responses). Additionally, group work (59%), borrowing books and reading (45-46%), and simply spending time (43%) and meeting friends (36%) were reported. About one-third of respondents participated in remote lectures from library facilities. Individual mentions included information searches for theses or study purposes.

The final question addressed the concept of a dream library. In this question as well, various group workspaces (69% of responses) and quiet study spaces (57% of responses) received the most support. In nearly half of the responses (47%), a 24/7-self-service library was envisioned. This question also mentioned versatile study spaces, an ideal location, natural light, relevant materials, and a café/coffee machine.

From wishes to reality – diverse study areas available

As the History, Culture, and Art Studies Library moved from Teutori to Arcanum, more study areas have been created in Teutori Library. On the first floor, various table groups are available for group work, while the library mezzanine offers study places for independent, quieter laptop work. There is also a completely quiet, separate study space. In Teutori Library, group study rooms can be reserved (bookings at asio.utu.fi), while some spaces are available without reservations. During study breaks, you can also relax by putting together a jigsaw puzzle.

It is important to remember that the entire campus library network is available to everyone. Although the University of Turku has several library units, all library facilities, regardless of the unit, are equally available to all our customers. You can find the University of Turku Library's facilities and opportunities they offer on the library's website.

Welcome to the renovated Teutori Library

The renovated Teutori Library is hosting Pre-Wappu Celebrations lasting until Friday April 28. There will be mead, doughnuts, and festive competitions available. Come and take a look!

We are happy to receive feedback and suggestions regarding the updated Teutori Library. You can provide your input on-site or by sending an email to library@utu.fi. All submitted suggestions and comments are valuable to the library for the continued development of our facilities.

Created 27.04.2023 | Updated 27.04.2023