opiskelijoita Feeniks kirjastossa (10)

Registration and Student Services at the Open University

The Open University offers studies that are available to everyone regardless of age, educational aims or previous schooling.

The Open University - open to everyone

Students at the Open University have different goals: qualifications needed at the labour market, upgrading previous education or self-development. Studying at the Open University also provides one with an idea of the nature of university studies and helps one to prepare for academic degree studies.

Generally, to become a student at the Open University, you must register as a student and pay the tuition fee. Registration, tuition fee and the study right always apply to one study module or study unit/course only. You can register through through the online service of the Open University. There is currently no English version available, but you can ask the Education secretary or coordinator to assist you in completing the registration process. Please note that registration for the studies is binding.

Open University studies are arranged in cooperation with the faculties of the university. The learning requirements correspond to those of equivalent degree studies. Open universities cannot award degrees, but credits are transferable and can be incorporated into university degrees.

Open University students are not entitled to the same financial or social benefits as degree students, nor do the Open University studies give the right to obtain a residence permit.


You can study university studies from different fields at the Open University. Most of the offered study modules are basic-level studies taught in Finnish. Only a few courses are taught in English. Completing courses requires you to have a good command of Finnish/English.

Modes of study

Individual courses taught in English are carried out as classroom studies at the University of Turku or as online courses. The tuition fee is 15 € / study credit (equivalent to ECTS credits).

The classroom courses are arranged

  • by the Open University and held in the evenings (after 4 p.m.) or
  • as integrated into degree teaching in which case the Open University students can take part in the courses arranged for the degree students. The lectures usually take place during the day, Mon-Fri, between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.

The lectures are usually organised as two-hour lessons (1 lesson à 45 min). There may also be intensive courses and lectures on Saturdays. The lecturers are university teachers who are experts in their fields.  

As a student at the Open University, you will get a user account which allows you to use the network services offered to the students at the University of Turku, such as the Moodle learning environment, library services and photocopying.

Registration and right to study

The student data system Peppi includes the whole curriculum of the Open University.

The registration for the studies at the Open University takes place in the registration service of Peppi. Link to the registration service:

> Avoimen yliopisto-opetuksen ilmoittautumispalvelu

  • Registration always applies to one study module, study unit or course. Thus, the right to study applies to that study module, unit or course to which the student has enrolled and of which the tuition has been paid.
  • The right to study is of limited duration and varies according to the scope of studies and the course schedule. The duration of the right to study is stated in the course schedule.
  • Students at the Open University are required to have the possibility to access a network connection during the studies. The students will be granted an access to certain network services of the University of Turku.
  • Registration is binding after the payment of the tuition fee and cannot be cancelled. Paid tuition fees are not refunded, with exception of cancelation of the studies due to an insufficient number of participants or for another reason connected to the functions of the Open University. Cancellations due to an illness of the student preventing their studying, in which case an informal written appeal, together with a doctor's or nurse's certificate, must be provided to the course secretary.
  • The right to study cannot be transferred to another study module or unit except in the case that the Open University has to cancel the studies to which the student has enrolled due to an insufficient number of participants. The right to study cannot be transferred to another person either.

Registration and Payment Instructions:

  • In the registration service, select the courses or modules you wish to register to. Registration time, quota and possible selection criteria are available in the course or module description. You may register simultaneously to several courses or modules.
  • Register. When you navigate to the registration, you have 15 minutes in which to pay the tuition fee online using your banking credentials. If the time elapses, your registration is cancelled.
  • Sign in using Suomi.fi identification. Fill in your personal information.
  • Pay the tuition fee as an online payment. After the payment you will receive an automatic email confirming the acceptance of your registration.
  • When your registration has been processed, you will receive an email including information on your study right.
  • Before the studies begin, you will also receive an email with instructions on starting the actual studies.

Exceptions to the tuition fee:

  • If you are left outside the quota, you will receive an email if a study place later becomes available for you. This email includes information on how to accept the study right. The tuition fee must be paid within 24 hours from receiving this email. Otherwise the registration is cancelled.
  • In those studies that has other selection criteria than the order of registration, you will receive an email after your registration has been processed. The tuition fee should be paid within 24 hours, otherwise the registration is cancelled.
Tuition fee and grounds for payment
  • The Open University tuition fee covers one study module, study unit or course. In case the study module includes optional study units/courses, the tuition fee covers the number of courses included within the scope of the study module.
  • In case the student registers for the complete study module after having received a study right to a single unit or course included in the same study module, the student can be refunded the already paid tuition fee of a maximum of two study units. Registration to the paid study units must be from the current or previous academic year (registrations older than that are not refunded). The refund is based on the paid fees.
  • The tuition fees of the Open University are based on the Finnish laws and regulations on university education, according to which the tuition fees must not exceed 15 euros per study credit (referred laws and regulations, in Finnish only:  Yliopistolaki 24.7.2009/558, Valtioneuvoston asetus yliopistojen toiminnassa perittävistä maksuista 1082/2009, Muutos asetukseen 1436/2014). Tuition fees are not subject to VAT. The co-operation institutions organising Open University education may charge the students additional fees according to their practices.
  • The tuition fee of the Open University is a performance subject to public law and thus distrainable directly without separate measures. (Law on the execution of the taxes and payments 706/2007)
  • The rector of the University of Turku confirms the tuition fees of the Open University each academic year.
Methods of payment

•    Tuition fee is paid after the registration online in a net bank or by credit card via the Paytrail website. In case an online net bank payment is not possible, the student must contact the course secretary in advance before registration. We charge 15 euros extra for paper invoice.
•    In studies arranged in co-operation with other educational institutions the tuition fee of the Open University can be invoiced through the organizing institution. Please contact the co-operation institution in question for more information.
•    The services connected to online payments and financing are carried out by the Paytrail PLC (business ID 2122839-7, address: Lutakonaukio 7, 40100 Jyväskylä) in co-operation with Finnish banks and credit institutions.
•    Online payments are possible through: Nordea, Osuuspankki, Danske Bank, Tapiola, Aktia, Nooa, POP Bank, Savings Banks, Handelsbanken, S-Pankki, Ålandsbanken as well as by the following credit cards: Visa, Visa Debit, Visa Electron, MasterCard and Debit MasterCard.
•    Paytrail PLC purchases the payment and renders it to the account of the University of Turku.  Nordea and Danske Bank have an agreement with the University of Turku and the receiver of the payment is directly the University of Turku.

Open University student’s user account

Students at the Open University will obtain a user account from the University of Turku. The user account is a personal permission to access the network services offered by the University of Turku to its students.

Applying for a user account and password and conditions of use

  • To get a username and password you must register for a course or module in the registration service. After you have paid the tuition fee you will later be granted the right to study.
  • When your right to study is validated, you will gain access to Moodle and other services.
  • Once you have got the university user account, you agree to follow the terms and conditions of the user account.
  • The password is strictly personal: it is forbidden to give the password to anyone, not even to the personnel of the Open University or IT services.

The terms and instructions of the license are on the university's website

> UTU username and password

Changing the password

  • The password expires and must therefore be changed every 180 days.
  • Please see the instructions on how to change the password on the page changing your password. No advance warning is given when the password is about to expire. It is recommended to make a note to change the password again in 180 days each time you change the password.
  • The network services of the university cannot be accessed with an expired password.

Forgotten or expired password

  • If you have forgotten your password or it has expired, you can renew it by following the instructions found on the page Changing your password
  • You can also contact the education secretary who can create a new password for you. The new password must be collected in person from the Open University office. When you collect the new password, you will be asked to show a proof of identity (identity card, driver’s license, passport or KELA card with a photo). The new password will not be given through email or phone.  

Validity of the user account

  • Your user account is valid for as long as you have the right to study at the Open University. Your user account can be valid also on other grounds, e.g. if you are a degree student at the University of Turku or a member of staff.

  • You will receive an email notification two weeks before the termination of the validity.

  • Once the account has expired, you can no longer access the network services of the university. In case you have not yet completed your studies by the time of the termination of your study right, you must re-register to continue your studies in order to retain your user account.

Network services of the student at the Open University

The students at the Open University of the University of Turku have access to the following network services with their user account:

  • Student data system and registration service Peppi
  • Learning environment Moodle
  • Electronic materials of the library of the University of Turku and MOT dictionaries
  • Access and printing tags
  • Electronic exam service (Exam)

Students at the Open University are not able to access with their user accounts the internal web site of the University of Turku which is used by the staff of the university and degree students. The instructions needed in the studies of the Open University can be found at the Open University’s own website or in Moodle.

Library services of the University of Turku

Knowing how to use library services and searching for information are an important part of studying. For finding course materials, it is useful to check out the local libraries (also interlibrary loans) and the services of the library of the University of Turku. The libraries offer students different information resources and materials also from the Internet, from the electronic publications as well as offer services for searching information.

Turku University Library is an academic library and accessible for anyone seeking information. There are five library units at the Turku University Campus. Please see the library’s instructions on how to find the course books you need and how to access eletronic course books. On the library’s website you will also find also information on other libraries in Turku and on electronic course books.

> Turku University Library

Signing up for exams and general exam practices

To complete the Open University studies, in most cases you need to take a book exam or an exam based on the lectures and lecture materials after each study unit/course. There are always at least three chances to take the course exams. During your study right period, you can take the same exam a maximum of three times even if there were more than three optional exam dates given in the study programme. The highest grade will be registered.

Exam dates can be found in the course schedule

Exams are organised on the general exam dates of the Open University as well as on particular exam dates of the study course. Please see the course specific information on the course schedule.

The University of Turku offers the possibility to take exams also electronically either in e-exam rooms or as Moodle exams. The subjects that use the electronic exam system will inform the students separately about exam dates and times.

Electronic examination

Some studies of the Open University also use the electronic exam rooms in Turku, in the University Consortium in Pori, in the teacher training school in Rauma and in Vaasa (Åbo Akademi’s exam room). You can also take University of Turku electronic exam in other universities e-exam room. The exam time must be booked in advance and the key to the exam room picked up.

Instructions for electronic exams and exact locations can be found at the page
> Electronic Exams: Student instructions

Moodle exam

Moodle exams are carried out individually in the Moodle learning environment within a given date and timeframe. The completed exam answer is saved and sent to the teacher for evaluation.

Moodle exams allow the use of lecture notes, references and other study materials. The exam questions are formulated in a way that answers cannot be found directly from the books but require an ability to combine and deduce information to answer the questions. Students prepare for a Moodle exam as for any other type of examination.

Study credit information and credit registration

Study credit information

The records of your studies can be viewed on the Student Desktop. Please first choose the study right you want to view from the upper right corner of the desktop. Navigate to the Credits option in the desktop page that opens.

Grading of studies

The courses and modules at the Open University are graded in accordance to the criteria used for degree studies at the University of Turku.

The grading of studies operates on the following scale: 5 = excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = satisfactory, 1 = sufficient, 0 = fail, or as pass or fail.

The highest attained grade of a course is registered as the official grade.

The grading of a study module is determined by the conventions of the subject. It can be calculated as the average results of the course grades or as a weighted average.

When grading study modules, the grades are rounded according to the following convention: 5 = 4,50 – 5,00; 4 = 3,50 - 4,49; 3 = 2,50 - 3,49; 2 = 1,50 - 2,49; 1 = 1,00 - 1,49.

During some courses the students may also receive written feedback on their performance. The feedback specifies the grading principles and guidelines. The goal of giving feedback is to provide an accurate assessment of the accomplishments and deficiencies in the content and form of the students’ performance.

Students have the right to receive information on the application of assessment criteria on their study performance. In case the student feels that they have failed a course on erroneous grounds or if the grading is in conflict with the student’s assessment of the level of their answers in terms of content and form, the student can request a rectification orally or in writing within 14 days of the publication of assessments. Contact the service manager of the Open University for further information.

Study credit period of validity

Completed study modules do not typically expire. Individual courses may expire for example due to curriculum changes.

Additional information about study credit expiration is provided by the Open University planning personnel.

Transcripts and certificates

Transcript of records

  • Studies in the Turku School of Economics: You can request an official transcript of records by contacting avoin-tse@utu.fi.
  • Other studies:
    • Study modules: You can request an official transcript of records from the Student Services Secretary of the relevant subject after you have completed all the studies that are part of the study module. The transcript will indicate the final grade of the module. Attempts at improving the final grade are accepted only if necessary due to acquiring eligibility to intermediate studies or for application to degree studies via the Open University route.
    • Separate courses: A transcript can be requested for language and communication studies and other individual course credits.

Certificate of study right

A certificate indicating the study right for Open University studies can be requested from the Student Services Secretary of the relevant subject. These certificates are provided for needs related to dealing with government officials and agencies.

Accessibility of studies and special arrangements in Open University studies

A student may apply for special arrangements to support their studies for example in the case of a physical disability, movement related disability, sensory disability, long term illness, or study difficulties related to reading and writing.

Special arrangements should be arranged at the beginning of the studies. A short-term disability related to an injury or accident may also be grounds for temporary special arrangements in studies.

Special arrangements for Open University studies may concerns exams, and teaching or counselling situations. Special arrangements may include for example:

  • possibility for additional time in an exam
  • the possibility of using a computer for writing
  • the possibility of using an interpreter or personal assistant
  • alternative ways of completing certain studies

Special arrangements may be obtained via an application to the Accessibility Planning Officer of The University of Turku. The application must include a certificate from a doctor or other specialist that indicates the qualities of the disability or illness.

The Accessibility Planning Officer will formulate a recommendation of the suggested special arrangements. Subsequently, the Open University Head of Department will make a decision that is informed to the student. The student will discuss how the special arrangements are enacted in coordination with the Open University and the different organizations providing teaching.

Further instructions and information about the application and its processing is provided by the Accessibility Planning Officer.

Further information and the contact information of the Accessibility Planning Officer:

> Accessibility at the University of Turku