Responsible assessment of research and researchers
At the University of Turku, the basic starting point of all evaluations is the realization of good scientific practice, equality and justice, and the recognition of diversity. In addition, at the multidisciplinary University of Turku, it is considered important that the differences between disciplines are recognized and taken into account in all assessments.
University of Turku policy
The policy present the principles of responsible assessment at the University of Turku, which take into account the strategic goals of the university and specify what responsible assessment means from the University of Turku's point of view.
Policy for responsible assessment of research and researcher
National policies
The most important national initiatives, policies and guidelines to which the University of Turku is committed and which serve as the basis for the Turku university policy for responsible assessment are:
Instructions of the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity
Declaration of open science and research 2020–2025
Good practices of researcher assessment. National recommendation for responsible research assessment
National recommendation on the responsible use of publication metrics
International policies
In addition to these, the University of Turku has signed the international DORA declaration (San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment) on February 27, 2020, and thereby committed to promoting the implementation of research assessment practices presented in it.
The University of Turku is also committed to other international policies and initiatives, the most important of which are:
Leiden Manifesto for Research Metrics
The Hong Kong Principles for Assessing Researchers
The University of Turku is also an active member of the European University Association (EUA) and European development work on responsible assessment is considered important. The University of Turku is committed to international development work and to integrating the policies and guidelines resulting from the development work into the local context in the best possible way.
More Than Our Rank
The University of Turku is committed to responsible assessment and to acknowledging and recognizing a broader and more diverse range of institutional success than is indicated by various university rankings. The University of Turku is one of the early adopters among Finnish universities of the INORMS More Than Our Rank initiative.
The University of Turku More Than Our Rank Institutional Statement