Keyword: University Communications

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A Hypnotic Suggestion Can Generate True Hallucinations


A group of researchers from the University of Turku, the University of Helsinki and the University of Skövde, Sweden has found evidence that hypnotic suggestion can modify the processing of a targeted stimulus before it reaches consciousness. In the experiments, they managed to hypnotically modulate the perception of colours of the subjects.

Only One Percent of Young Adults Lead a Heart-Healthy Life


A research done by the University of Turku and the International i3C Consortium shows that ideal cardiovascular health metrics have a positive impact on vascular health already in young adults.

​A heart-healthy diet includes a daily dose of vegetables.

Doctors Were Conferred With Festive Ceremony


There were 112 Doctors and 13 Honorary Doctors conferred on May 30, 2013 in the Turku Concert Hall.

​Participants had an academic procession from the Concert Hall to the Turku Cathedral.

Honorary Doctor Einasto: Only Small Part of Our Universe is Visible


Academic, Professor Jaan Einasto held a lecture in the Turku-Tartu guest lecture series at the University of Turku and revealed the secrets of the universe. The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Turku is conferring an honorary doctorate on Einasto on Friday 31, May.

Diagnostics will be developed by Indo-Finnish collaboration


Newly founded Indo-Finnish research center for dignostics will search for new and affordable solutions for medical diagnostics. The work of Indo-Finnish Diagnostic Research Center will consentrate on the area of diagnostics for human health as well as environmental and food safety diagnostic. The associated market potentials are substantial.

​Rector Kalervo Väänänen didn't hide his contentment at the opening ceremony of the center.