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Research at the Faculty of Humanities

The cornerstone of the operations of the Faculty of Humanities is multidisciplinary and high-quality free research. Our research activities promote cultural self-awareness, maintain education, and open new perspectives to developing society.

The research conducted at the Faculty of Humanities covers phenomena within language and cultures extensively. The research is directed towards the University’s strategic areas of study, and the Faculty’s strength is versatility enabling the covering of interesting new subject areas. The Faculty consists of over 30 different subjects and disciplines, and also several interdisciplinary research fields, such as cultural memory, environmental humanities, popular culture, medieval and early modern studies, digital human sciences, and research on health and well-being from the point of view of language and culture.

The researchers at our Faculty are constantly developing new research methods and theories, and the research results also have numerous application possibilities. Active research ensures that teaching is always based on the newest research information in various ways without forgetting the traditions of the discipline in question.

The researchers at the Faculty have their own research topics, but research is increasingly being conducted within different kinds of multidisciplinary local, national, and international networks <linkki sivulle>.

The research data vary, and the Faculty also has its own collections of data, some of which are also available for those outside the University. In the new projects of both Schools, the usability and accessibility of data are being developed by digitalising and systematically organising them, for example.

We conduct research with both the University’s basic funding and external project funding.

The Faculty is involved in several research centres and networks.

More detailed information on research is available on the Departments’ webpages.

Recent publications at the Faculty of Humanities

Neuloosissa (2024)

Leppälahti Merja
(Popularised article or blog post (E1))

Lukupiirit kielenoppimista tukemassa   (2024)

Päivärinne, Sari; Kastari, Mervi; Jokela, Hanna; Jytilä, Riitta; Kekki, Niina; Parente-Čapková, Viola; Udd, Taija
(D1 Professional blog post)