Library Units, Opening Hours and Contact Information

  • New opening and service hours in Teacher Education Library in Rauma starting from 7 January 2025. See detailed information below under the section Teacher Education Library in Rauma. 

Opening Hours and Contact Information

Arcanum Library

During the academic year

Opening hours
Mon–Thu 8–18
Fri 8–16

Service hours
Mon–Tue 12–18
Wed–Fri 12–16

In addition, students and staff of the University of Turku can use the library on their own according to the access rights to the building. More information can be found on the university intranet.

Exceptions to the opening hours of the library units during national public holidays and summer

Street address: Arcanuminkuja 1, 20520 Turku
Location on the Map
tel. +358 29 450 2637, +358 46 921 9804 (Mon - Fri 8-12 am your call will be transferred to the library’s telephone service)
Postal address: Arcanum Library, FI-20014 UNIVERSITY OF TURKU, Finland

History, culture and arts studies collections and workstations of cultural material are situated in Arcanum Library.

Library collection map (pdf) 

Calonia Library

During the academic year

Opening hours
Mon–Thu 8–18
Fri 8–16
Service hours
Mon–Tue 12–18
Wed–Fri 12–16

In addition, students and staff of the University of Turku can use the library on their own according to the access rights to the building. More information can be found on the university intranet.

Exceptions to the opening hours of the library units during national public holidays and summer

Street address: Calonia, Caloniankuja 3, 20500 Turku
Location on the Map
tel. +358 29 450 2141, +358 50 590 6978 (Mon - Fri 8-12 am your call will be transferred to the library’s telephone service)
Postal address: Calonia Library, FI-20014 UNIVERSITY OF TURKU, Finland

Law collections and EU information services are located in Calonia Library.

Library collection map (pdf)

Educarium Library

During the academic year

Opening hours
Mon–Tue 8–20
Wed–Thu 8–18
Fri 8–16
Sat 10–14

Service hours
Mon–Tue 12–20
Wed–Fri 12–16
Sat 10–14

In addition, students and staff of the University of Turku can use the library on their own according to the access rights to the building. More information can be found on the university intranet.

Exceptions to the opening hours of the library units during national public holidays and summer

Street address: Educarium, Assistentinkatu 5, 20500 Turku
Location on the Map
tel: +358 29 450 2146, +358 46 922 4648 (Mon - Fri 8-12 am your call will be transferred to the library’s telephone service)
Postal address: Educarium Library, FI-20014 UNIVERSITY OF TURKU, Finland

Education, social sciences and EU collections are located in Educarium Library. There is a 24/7 study space within the library.

Library collection map (pdf)

Feeniks Library

During the academic year

Opening hours
Mon–Thu 8–20
Fri 8–18
Sat 10–16
Sun 12–16

Service hours
Mon–Thu  klo 9–20
Fri 9–18
Sat 10–16
Sun 12–16

Exceptions to the opening hours of the library units during national public holidays and summer

Yliopistonmäki (University hill), 20500 Turku
Location on the Map
tel. +358 29 450 2130, +358 50 455 7059
Postal address: Feeniks Library, FI-20014 UNIVERSITY OF TURKU, Finland

Cultural materials, workstations of cultural material, special collections and languages and linguistics collections are located in Feeniks Library.

Library collection map (pdf)

Newspaper and Ephemera Services, Raisio

During the academic year

Opening hours

Mon–Tue 9–15
Wed 12–18
Thu 9-15
Fri closed

Exceptions to the opening hours of the library units during national public holidays and summer

Street address: Kalustekatu 1 b, 20320 Raisio
tel. +358 50 349 4887

The newspapers and ephemera of the National deposit collection are stored at the Newspaper and Ephemera services in Raisio. Newspapers are available until year 2007.

Teacher Education Library in Rauma

During the academic year

NB! New opening and service hours starting from 7 January 2025:

Opening hours
Mon, Wed. Fri 10–16

Service hours
Mon, Wed, Fri 10–12.30, 13.30–16

In addition, students and staff of the University of Turku can use the library on their own on with the access card during the academic year
Mon–Fri 8–10, 16–21
Sat–Sun 8–21

Exceptions to the opening hours of the library units during national public holidays and summer

Street address: Seminaarinkatu 1, 26100 Rauma
Location on the Map
tel. + 358 50 356 4690
Postal address: Teacher Education Library, Seminaarinkatu 1, FI-26100 Rauma, Finland

Teutori Library

During the academic year

Opening hours
Mon–Thu 8–18
Fri 8–16

Service hours
Mon–Tue 12–18
Wed–Fri 12–16

In addition, students and staff of the University of Turku can use the library on their own on
Mon–Thu 18–20
Sat 10–14  

More information can be found on the university intranet.

Exceptions to the opening hours of the library units during national public holidays and summer

Street address: Teutori, Lemminkäisenkatu 3 B, 20520 Turku
Location on the Map
tel. +358 29 450 2636​, +358 46 921 9345 (Mon - Fri 8-12 am your call will be transferred to the library’s telephone service)
Postal address: Teutori Library, FI-20014 UNIVERSITY OF TURKU, Finland

Science, Engineering, and Medicine collections are situated in Teutori Library.

Library collection map (pdf)

Turku School of Economics Library

During the academic year

Opening hours
Mon–Thu 8–18
Fri 8–16

Service hours
Mon–Tue 12–18
Wed–Fri 12–16

In addition, students and staff of the University of Turku can use the library on their own according to the access rights to the building. More information can be found on the university intranet.

Exceptions to the opening hours of the library units during national public holidays and summer

Street address: Turun kauppakorkeakoulu, Rehtorinpellonkatu 3, 20500 Turku
Location on the Map
tel. +358 29 450 2322, +358 46 921 1118 (Mon - Fri 8-12 am your call will be transferred to the library’s telephone service)
Postal address: Turku School of Economy Library, FI-20014 UNIVERSITY OF TURKU, Finland

Economics and business collections are situated in Turku School of Economics Library.

Library map coming up

University Consortium of Pori Library

Library services within UCPori (University Consortium of Pori) are coordinated by the TUT Library (Tampere University of Technology). The library provides services on technology, business and social sciences, cultural production and landscape studies, as well as on arts and media studies. 
The Pori Science Library materials can be accessed via Volter database.

University Consortium of Pori, Pohjoisranta 11 C
Postal address:  UCPori Library P.O. Box 136, 28101 PORI
tel. +358 40 826 2780
More information on UCPori Library web pages

Postal address

International mail

Turku University Library

phone +358 50 455 7059

Sending packages via Finnish post office

Turku University Library
Name of the library unit

phone 050 455 7059

Items are returned to library via post at customer's own risk.

Please add a 'Returns' note inside the package when returning books.

Sending packages via online services of Finnish post

Turku University
Feeniks Library
Vesilinnantie 5
20500 TURKU

phone 050 455 7059

Items are returned to library via post at customer's own risk.

Please add a 'Returns' note inside the package when returning books.

Contact the Library  > ask about library services

Postal address

Turku University Library