We study socio-technical changes that are broad, powerful and impactful – in other words, disruptive. Our goal is to create knowledge, strategies and practices to identify and manage disruption/ disruptive innovations. We aim to understand the characteristics and drivers of disruption through collaborative research and knowledge co-creation. Thematically, we investigate disruptions in sustainability transitions enabled by novel technologies and shaped by individual’s and organisation's culture and mindset.

Through conceptual and empirical research, we advance the creation of new academic knowledge and the application of new practices. Our approach builds on collaboration and interdisciplinarity, as understanding phenomena such as disruption or sustainability transformations requires a combination of cross-disciplinary perspectives and research methods.
Through the development of the Disruption Lab’s research agenda, we aim to achieve positive impacts for businesses and society. We welcome collaboration with all individuals and organisations in order to find new ways to understand and navigate disruptions!
The research group is led by D.Sc. (Econ) Taina Eriksson. See below for information on other members of the group.