Baltic Rim Economies 1/2019 published


The latest issue of the Baltic Rim Economies (BRE) review was published on 28 February introducing articles on current topics concerning the Baltic Sea region.

This issue includes, among others, articles

"Baltic Sea – a unique region for security cooperation" by Minister for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Timo Soini,

"What does sustainability mean in the corporate world in 2019?" by CEO of Paulig, Rolf Ladau,

"In rye we trust – Kyrö Distillery Company" by Mikko Ali-Melkkilä, Head of Sales, Kyrö Distillery Company, Finland, and

"Chinese investments in the Baltic Sea region" by Erik Brattberg, Director of the Europe Program from Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.

The Pan-European Institute publishes a discussion forum, Baltic Rim Economies (BRE), which deals with the development of the Baltic Sea region. In the BRE review, high level public and corporate decision makers, representatives of Academia, as well as several other experts contribute to the discussion.

Created 28.02.2019 | Updated 05.03.2019