More Return Boxes Opened
Library has opened new return boxes at the Turku Campus.
Loans can be returned to the return boxes outside of Feeniks, Educarium, Calonia and Teacher Education Library and to the return hatch of Teutori Library 24/ 7.
The returned books are piled up during the week 24 - we apologize the inconvenience: all returns are checked-in as soon as possible and the groundless fees are deleted.
The return boxes are usually full during the weekends and can be filled in books also in weekdays in this exceptional situation. Library staff is working on in exceptional circumstances and will empty the boxes as soon as possible - please do not leave your books outside the boxes!
Returns can also be mailed to the Feeniks Library with the address Feeniks-kirjasto, 20014 TURUN YLIOPISTO and to Teacher education Library at rauma with the address Opettajankoulutuslaitoksen kirjasto, Seminaarinkatu 1, 26100 Rauma.
More information on library web pages.