Turku School of Economics Published Report on the Implementation of the UN’s Principles for Responsible Management Education


According to its mission, Turku School of Economics educates responsible future leaders. TSE is committed to implementing the Six Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME), an initiative of the United Nations.

Schools of economics are in a key position in shaping the mindset and skills of future leaders and therefore have a great opportunity to advance the promotion of sustainable development. The goal of the PRME, which were developed in 2007, is to promote responsibility and sustainable development in business education around the world. Turku School of Economics has been a member of the PRME since 2013.

During the reporting period 20198–2019, TSE has taken significant steps towards a more systematic approach on enhancing responsibility. For example, the University of Turku is committed to being carbon neutral by the end of 2025 and the Equality Plan defines the targets for e.g. how non-discrimination and equality are realised in teaching and learning. In addition, all TSE Bachelor and Master level programmes and specialisations include courses that discuss responsibility.

– The results are very promising showing that majority of our graduates understand the importance of responsibility in business or economic practice. In research activities, we have formed an actively connected network of scholars engaged in the study of responsibility and sustainability, says Dean Markus Granlund of Turku School of Economics.

– The report shows that responsibility has become an important part of all our activities. We will continue working on all fronts to integrate this theme into our mindset, research, curricula, relations, administration and culture. We want to show the path to our students, alumni, staff and the community at large.

Created 28.01.2020 | Updated 28.01.2020