Keyword: News

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Good Reputation of Turku Universities Attracts International Students


The good reputation of the higher education institutions in Turku and a specific degree programme are determining factors when international students choose to study in Turku. Nearly half of the international students would like to stay in Turku after graduating if work is available.

Rotation Rate of a Supermassive Black Hole Clocked with Close Accuracy for the First Time


The rotational rate of one of the most massive black holes in the universe has now been measured very accurately by the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Turku and the Finnish Centre for Astronomy with ESO together with an international team of astronomers. It is the first time that the rotational rate and mass of a supermassive black hole has been measured with a closer accuracy than one percent.

Neurofibromatosis Patients Have Increased Cancer Risk


The results of a Finnish study show that patients with neurofibromatosis have an increased risk for cancer and a poorer prognosis than that of the comparable population. The results were published in the esteemed Journal of Clinical Oncology.