Keyword: Department of Philosophy, Political Science and Contemporary History
Research Centre for Culture and Health Seminar / Kulttuurin ja terveyden tutkimusyksikön seminaari
Kulttuuri ja terveys -tutkijaseminaari / Research Centre for Culture and Health Seminar
Research Centre for Culture and Health Seminar
Research Centre for Culture and Health Seminar
Authors meet a (friendly) critic: Democracy and the Future
Thematics TeamUp: Stormy futures for global seas?
Europe specialisation studies (60 cr)
Europe specialisation studies provide a diverse, multi-disciplinary study programme that examines Europe as a whole from the perspective of area and institutions, with focus on a wide and thorough understanding of Europe as an area and phenomenon.
University of Turku's Centre for East Asian Studies with a European consortium secure a four-year, four-million Euro EU Horizon grant for China research
The ReConnect China research project, which improves the weak knowledge of modern China in Europe, has received a four-year EU Horizon funding of a total of four million euros. Researchers from 12 European countries are involved in the research project coordinated by the University of Ghent in Belgium. The Centre for East Asian Studies CEAS of the University of Turku is the only Nordic university in the consortium.
Former Chancellor of University of Turku Jaakko Nousiainen Has Passed Away
Former Chancellor and Professor of Political Science at the University of Turku Jaakko Nousiainen has passed away at the age of 90. Nousiainen started in 1963 as the first permanent professor in political science at the University of Turku. He led the development of the Turku school in political science, centered around the research of political institutions.