Centre for Language and Communication Studies: Teachers 2021-2022 The CeLCS contact information page is here Chinese Wenli Zhu University Teacher, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies wenli.zhu@utu.fi English Henna Ala-Kutsi MA University Teacher, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies henna.ala-kutsi@utu.fi +358 29 450 2985 +358 50 468 9942 Averil Bolster University Teacher, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies averil.bolster@utu.fi Maria Broholm University Teacher, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies maria.broholm@utu.fi Marianna Hintikka FT University Teacher, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies marianna.hintikka@utu.fi Anna Krizsan University Lecturer, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies anna.krizsan@utu.fi +358 29 450 3913 +358 50 502 3124 Helinä Lehmus Lecturer, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies helina.lehmus@utu.fi Marise Lehto MSc Educational Management TESOL Doctoral Researcher, Department of Teacher Education (Turku) University Teacher, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies marise.h.lehto@utu.fi +358 29 450 3916 +358 50 313 1681 Peter Levrai MA English Language Teaching & Material Development University Teacher, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies peter.levrai@utu.fi Vilhelm Lindholm MA University Teacher, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies vilhelm.lindholm@utu.fi Bridget Palmer BA Linguistics, MA TESOL University Teacher, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies bmwpal@utu.fi Jeremy Palmer University Teacher, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies jerpal@utu.fi Kelly Raita University Teacher, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies kelly.raita@utu.fi Peter Shaw University Teacher, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies peter.shaw@utu.fi +358 29 450 2224 +358 50 572 5043 Leena Taanila-Hall University Teacher, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies leena.taanila-hall@utu.fi +358 29 450 3928 +358 50 347 4643 Patrick Gallagher Teacher, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies patrick.gallagher@utu.fi Finnish as a Foreign Language Sanni Aava University Teacher, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies sjaava@utu.fi Veera Kaski The Centre for Language and Communication Studies vetuka@utu.fi Päivi Paukku University Teacher, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies paivi.paukku@utu.fi Finnish Language and Business Communication Riitta Koskimies FM, eMBA, Yritysviestinnän opintokokonaisuuden vastuuhenkilö Lecturer, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies riankos@utu.fi +358 29 450 3912 +358 50 502 3013 Kaisa Louramo FM viestintätieteet University Teacher, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies kaisa.louramo@utu.fi +358 29 450 2249 +358 44 239 3868 Ville Virsu University Lecturer, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies ville.virsu@utu.fi Finnish Speech Communication Tuula Hakkarainen FM (viestintätieteet), Viestinnän ja vuorovaikutuksen asiantuntija, työnohjaaja University Teacher, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies tuula.hakkarainen@utu.fi Marianna Hoikkala FM, puheviestinnän yliopisto-opettaja University Teacher, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies marianna.hoikkala@utu.fi Liisa Kouvonen University Teacher, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies liisa.kouvonen@utu.fi Finnish Written Communication Katariina Ahtola-Rajala FM University Teacher, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies katariina.ahtola-rajala@utu.fi +358 29 450 2677 +358 46 920 1772 Jaakko Antikainen University Teacher, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies jaakko.antikainen@utu.fi +358 29 450 4036 +358 50 471 2375 Emmi Hynönen FT University Teacher, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies emkahy@utu.fi +358 29 450 2979 +358 46 920 0991 Katja Laivo-Laakso FM University Teacher, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies kaalaiv@utu.fi Arja Lampinen Lecturer, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies arjalam@utu.fi Janica Rauma Open University and Continuous Learning jjmake@utu.fi French Eeva Boström Lecturer, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies eeva.bostrom@utu.fi Sandra Jacquemot University Teacher, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies sandra.jacquemot@utu.fi Anna-Liisa Perennes Lecturer, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies anna-liisa.perennes@utu.fi +358 29 450 3926 +358 50 346 4968 German Teija Laiho Lecturer, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies teija.laiho@utu.fi Ritva Lamberg Lecturer, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies riorla@utu.fi +358 29 450 3915 +358 50 412 3240 Almut Meyer PhD Lecturer, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies Specialised discourse in the legal field, foreign language didactics; multilingual approaches in language learning and teaching almut.meyer@utu.fi +358 29 450 3924 +358 50 343 6298 Hanna Nevala The Centre for Language and Communication Studies Open University and Continuous Learning hlneva@utu.fi Hanna Ruska Lecturer, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies hanna.ruska@utu.fi +358 29 450 3907 +358 50 355 1844 Joachim Schlabach Phil.-lic., Dipl.-Päd. Lecturer, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies joachim.schlabach@utu.fi +358 29 450 3927 +358 50 347 1106 Alexandra Virtanen M.A. University Teacher, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies alevir@utu.fi Italian Veera Scotto di Marco Lecturer, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies vscotto@utu.fi Japanese Russian Birgitta Tjurin-Muranen Lecturer, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies birgitta.tjurin@utu.fi Spanish Tiina-Leena Salo Lecturer, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies tilesa@utu.fi Olli-Pekka Lindgren FM University Teacher, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies olli-pekka.lindgren@utu.fi Cristina Maillo Pegot Lecturer, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies cristina.maillopegot@utu.fi Swedish Minna Agge University Teacher, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies minna.agge@utu.fi Maiju Alanen The Centre for Language and Communication Studies Doctoral Researcher, Finnish, Finno-Ugric and Scandinavian languages maiju.alanen@utu.fi Laura Grönroos University Teacher, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies llgron@utu.fi Outimaija Lehtinen Lecturer, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies outi.maija.lehtinen@utu.fi Olli-Pekka Lindgren FM University Teacher, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies olli-pekka.lindgren@utu.fi Päivi Mattila University Teacher, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies paivma@utu.fi Mirjami Mustikkamaa University Teacher, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies mirjami.mustikkamaa@utu.fi Nina Numminen University Teacher, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies nina.numminen@utu.fi +358 29 450 2970 +358 50 469 8204 Annmari Sahlstein Doctoral Researcher, Finnish, Finno-Ugric and Scandinavian languages Lecturer, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies annsah@utu.fi Hanna Saloranta University Teacher, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies hksalo@utu.fi +358 29 450 2611 +358 50 306 2564 Anne-Maj Åberg FT University Teacher, Finnish, Finno-Ugric and Scandinavian languages University Teacher, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies anne-maj.aberg@utu.fi +358 29 450 3351 +358 50 595 4835 Keywords The Centre for Language and Communication Studies