Tuulia Malén won SANORD 3MT competition


Doctoral Candidate Tuulia Malén from the University of Turku Doctoral Programme in Clinical Research (DPCR) won SANORD 3MT 2021 competition together with two other finalists.

Tuulia Malén is a clinical psychologist and is currently focusing on studying statistics. Malén is grateful for being invited to the SANORD 3MT competition. She highly values sharing scientific information with different communities and public.

Malén thinks that science belongs to everyone. For example, on her free time, she is working on a children's book on her research themes.

Tuulia Malén participated in UTU 3MT competition arranged online in March 2021 with her presentation The Goal Factory. Malén spoke about her research on brain function related to life satisfaction and addiction.

As the prize of the competition Malén gets to attend the SANORD 2022 conference organized by the University of Limpopo in South Africa. The conference will take place on December 2022.

Southern African – Nordic Centre (SANORD) is committed to advancing strategic, multilateral academic collaboration between institutions in the Southern African and Nordic regions to address new local and global challenges of innovation and development.

Created 09.09.2021 | Updated 21.01.2022