Vice Rector Piia Björn Appointed as a Senior Advisor for the Fulbright Finland Foundation


The Fulbright Finland Foundation specialises in academic and cultural exchange between Finland and North America by administering grant programmes and providing information and consultation for students, researchers, teachers and other professionals. Senior Advisors provide guidance and support for the Foundation in its activities.

Piia Björn, Vice Rector for Education of the University of Turku, has been appointed as one of the Senior Advisors for the Fulbright Finland Foundation. Vice Rector Björn is an alumna of the Fulbright Finland Foundation and she has also completed two full terms as a member of the Foundation’s Board of Directors. During her terms Vice Rector Björn also served as the Board’s Vice-Chair in 2017-2018, and as the Chair in 2019-2020.

The Fulbright Finland Foundation is an independent, private, not-for-profit organisation which promotes a wider exchange of knowledge and professional talents through educational and research contacts between Finland and the United States. The Foundation collaborates with a wide range of government, foundation, university and corporate partners on both sides of the Atlantic to design and manage study and research scholarships, leadership development programs and internationalisation services.

The Foundation’s Senior Advisors are experienced experts with specialisation in one or more of the areas of the Foundation’s work, such as internationalisation of higher education and research, academic and professional exchanges, leadership development, international relations and diplomacy, science diplomacy, alumni relations and fundraising. Based on their expertise and experience, they provide critical guidance to and support for the Foundation. Advisors are appointed for one year term.

"It is wonderful that I can continue my work for the Fulbright Finland Foundation and its objectives. The cooperation between Finland and the United States is long-term and beneficial also from the point of view of international researcher exchanges. We trust each other and understand the importance of supporting the best in research and education," Vice Rector Björn says.

Fulbright Offers New Connections and Experiences Across the Atlantic

The University of Turku has a long history of collaborating with the Fulbright Finland Foundation. Over the years, many researchers, students and teachers from the United States have visited the University under different Fulbright scholarships. Similarly, the United States has been a lucrative destination for many researchers, students and teachers from the University of Turku. Furthermore, the University’s John Morton Center for North American Studies works actively with the Foundation. The annual American Voices Seminar, organised by the Department of English in collaboration with the Fulbright Finland Foundation and John Morton Center, provides opportunity to learn about various aspects of the American society and culture through the experiences of American Fulbright grantees currently in Finland.

Fulbright grant programmes and scholarships are highly valued and offered for motivated and talented candidates. While the application process is demanding, the programmes and scholarships offer participants a great opportunity to build up professional confidence and make valuable international connections. In many cases, the status of a Fulbrighter opens doors and offers opportunities meet leading professionals of different fields. In addition to providing significant benefits for individual participants, grant programmes have a wider positive impact on the participating universities and their communities as visitors often have an opportunity to engage both in research and teaching activities.


Edited 14 August 2023: The American Voices seminar is organised by the University's Department of English in collaboration with the Fulbright Finland Foundation and the John Morton Center.

Created 10.08.2023 | Updated 14.08.2023